The RECONNECT Programme
Professional learning and support for your staff to help them
access their natural state of wellbeing.
The RECONNECT Programme
Professional learning and support for your staff to help them access their natural state of wellbeing.
Are your staff struggling with overwhelm and burnout? Has employee retention become an issue you can no longer ignore?
What if instead of constantly worrying about another employee taking a leave of absence, or how the stress of work is affecting productivity, you could be confident that your staff have the understanding and skills to bring their best to the workplace, regardless of the challenges inherent in working in a high-pressure environment?
What would it mean for your organisation if your employees were clear-headed, confident and contented, whatever they were up against?
What if they knew, beyond any doubt, that they could bring their most resourceful, creative self to each and every situation at work?
Over the last few years I have helped hundreds of staff-members struggling with stress and overwhelm in the workplace, some on the edge of burnout, to turn their lives around completely and find long-lasting peace of mind and fulfilment, on my 6-week RECONNECT Programme.
Get in touch to outline your requirements & discuss how the RECONNECT Programme can support YOUR staff
“The course helps you to realise that you have inner peace and strength already, and you don't need to put work in to ‘find’ these qualities, or follow a programme to learn a sense of well- being. The insights on the course help you in all areas of your life, not just your job role.”
~ S.R.
Swansea, UK
“This is the best course I have attended in a very long time! It's made a huge difference to the way I show up in work and how I am outside of work.
It should be available and ideally mandatory for everyone who works in social care.”
~ W.W.
Cardiff, UK
“I wanted to be able to better manage work-related moods, emotions and stress. I definitely think I can, now. I find it a lot easier to quickly move on from crisis situations at work and have found the right balance between stress and work place pressure. I feel better all round and more grounded.”
~ J.E.
Gwent, UK
A New Approach That Really WORKS
Instead of teaching coping mechanisms for work pressure and giving staff more to do (“additive” approach), the RECONNECT Programme eliminates the root cause of the pressure that people feel in the workplace (“subtractive” approach), leaving staff with less to do, a clearer mind and a deep, unshakeable sense of okayness that pervades their lives.
This unique approach to wellbeing was recently found to be the #1 most effective way of improving the lives of ordinary people, by an independent UK advisory body (the What Works Centre for Wellbeing). Out of more than 200 different interventions examined across the whole of the UK, the six week RECONNECT Programme demonstrated the greatest improvement in wellbeing of ALL of them, as measured on a validated, internationally recognised scale (WEMWBS short form pre- and post-programme measurements).

A ‘subtractive’ approach—one that insightfully eliminates the root cause of chronic mental stress—is demonstrably more effective than teaching people ‘additive’ techniques for coping with symptoms.
Need evidence?
Since 2020, pre- and post-programme quantitative data has been collected from all participants in the programme. In addition, all participants are invited to leave qualitative feedback, detailing the personal and professional impact their attendance on the course has had on their lives.
If you would like to read a detailed impact report from four cohorts of Health & Social Care staff who attended in 2022, clicking on the link below will take you to you a page where you can view and download the report as a PDF file.
The Inspiration
The RECONNECT to Innate Resilience Programme was initiated to address the fact that living and working through a global pandemic has placed great demands on the mental health and wellbeing of staff working in a busy department of a large Social Services team.
Traditional approaches to staff wellbeing tend to focus on coping mechanisms, providing individuals with tools and techniques which, if used regularly, can offer relief from perceived stress.
However, in practice, such additive approaches are variable in their acceptability, require regular upkeep, and generally result in more work for staff to do. As such, their utility and longevity are limited.
A New Approach
The central premise of the RECONNECT programme is that every individual has a natural, inbuilt state of wellbeing available to them at all times, which becomes obscured only by an innocent, conditioned misunderstanding of how the mind works and how the workplace is experienced.
The focus of the programme is therefore on mental health, not illness, and employs a subtractive approach, educating participants in a way that makes visible—and subsequently eradicates—the hidden variable that is obstructing their innate health and wellbeing.
As such, it offers an entirely fresh perspective on resilience, leading to more ease and flow in the workplace.
“I am more present, I spend much less time thinking about the future, imagining worst case scenarios and preparing for difficult conversations. I am sleeping better. I feel that the fog has lifted and I am living in the sunshine!”
~ J.S.
Cardiff, UK
“I have felt more resilient when challenges have arisen. I used to scare myself with the thought, ‘I am going to be overwhelmed’ and that would make me turn away from difficulties. I no longer believe that thought, so am able to face challenges and deal with them more calmly and effectively. I have noticed myself being less reactive, taking time to allow solutions to come to me, and as a result acting more wisely.”
~ J.R.
Cardiff, UK
“I mostly wanted to understand my work fears and learn how to manage them, and as the weeks went by, the course began to do what was intended. Both at home and in work my relationships have improved. I now don’t take things as seriously as I used to.”
~ F.R.
Cardiff, UK
Programme Benefits
The course offers professional learning and support for staff, so that participants experience personal change through insight and realisation alone, providing them with a greater ability to:
manage feelings of stress, worry and anxiety
deal with workplace demands with confidence, calm and focus
bounce back from setbacks quickly and smoothly
maintain perspective in difficult situations and relationships
access more peace of mind and clarity both at work and at home
Develop natural leaders
Because participants do not have to learn, remember and apply coping techniques, their understanding of stress, wellbeing and innate resilience is easy to share with other members of your team.
Previous participants on the the programme have set up their own support groups within their organisations and even created their own training materials, based on the insights gained through attending the RECONNECT Programme.
“I'm a lot more relaxed… being able to support others to move on from worries and being able to be compassionate and helping them to see the bigger picture.”
~ J.V.
Gwent, UK
“It's helped me manage people who are struggling with their own emotional wellbeing and mental health problems.”
~ R.C.
Newport, UK
“I've got a lovely team, but we do an incredibly difficult job. I realised that insecurity and fear drive so many behaviours … it's given me a different understanding of what's motivating people.”
~ J.R.
Cardiff, UK
Programme Overview
Format: 6-week immersion – initial intake session + weekly live group coaching calls
Aim: For staff to gain personal insight, and understand how wellbeing and stress work to experience more peace, ease and flow in their professional and personal lives
Numbers: Typically groups of 15-20 people online (30 maximum)
Cost per participant (assumes 12 attendees): from £750*
(*special rates for public sector bodies and BCorp organisations on application)
- 9 hours of live, face-to-face content, all delivered personally, by Dr Giles P Croft
- Permanent access to all the course materials, hosted in a professional membership site, not social media groups
- Recordings of all the high-impact sessions, to keep forever
- Lots of useful additional, hand-curated materials not found elsewhere
- An opportunity for 1:1 coaching, in a small group setting
- Questions answered and sticking points addressed, whatever they are
- No homework, no being-told-what-to-do, just genuine, insightful, professional support from an experienced doctor, coach & trainer.
“I no longer feel the need to be in control all the time, and am far less reactive to experiences. I’m less concerned about how others perceive me and no longer try to meet what I imagine are others’ expectations of me - it’s very empowering.”
“I listen to my inner voice far less and am more positive. I used to overthink things – a lot!! – I’m now more able to let things just be. I’m calm most of the time. I’m also sleeping better!”
“I thought the positive results others had seen from the course would not happen for me. I now know that I am not who my thoughts say I am. I don’t try and shoo them out, manage or organise them… they just come and go. It enhances your quality of life and decreases stress and anxiety. Bloody awesome!”
“It makes a difference that is deeper and more profound than just taking in knowledge. It builds a resilient workforce who don’t need to go on sick-leave, and who can respond to the pressures on Social Services. A genuine huge thank you to Giles!”
About Giles
Dr Giles P Croft is a psychology graduate and former NHS surgeon who stepped aside from clinical practice for a decade to explore a number of career paths, including health informatics, cycling journalism, public speaking and high street retail with his wife.
He is now back in the healing profession, tackling the root cause of chronic mental stress and its many harmful effects by helping clients reconnect to their natural, inbuilt state of mental health and wellbeing, without the need for prescriptions, coping strategies, or time consuming self-care practices.
He runs a heart-centred coaching practice and lives in the Brecon Beacons National Park with his wife and 10 year old daughter.
Get in touch to outline your requirements & discuss how the RECONNECT Programme can support YOUR staff
Sound too good to be true?
I hear you! Given my background and training as a scientist, and my experience at the NHS coal face, before starting this work, I would have been hugely skeptical that positive changes like these were possible, under such testing circumstances. This is completely understandable and a very common starting place when looking for options to support your staff. This approach is so different from the mainstream ‘hoping/coping’ programmes of support on offer, I'd be concerned if you didn't have reservations!
Have a read through these real life responses from people who were losing hope for a better experience in their workplace (names have been removed for privacy, but these all came from Health & Social Care workers, at the end of the 6 week programme).
“I’m back in work now, where I’d been off because of anxiety. Looking back, I was so agitated, but something has happened and I’ve noticed changes in a lot of things. I’m happy, without realising it! I’ve learnt to slow down a bit and enjoy stuff again.”
“Last week I had the best sleep, 7 days a week, including Sunday evening. Not worried about what's going to happen next week. It's just not there. It's just gone. However life unfolds I can deal with it. I don't have to be worried and overthink it several days beforehand. It’s really, really great!”
“This course offers a completely new way of viewing stress and resilience. It offers the opportunity to gain insights which can make a profound difference to the way we view and deal with problems in our lives. The concepts shared are surprisingly simple and easy to remember. ”
“I suffer from debilitating panic attacks and since attending I’ve had less. I had one this week and it didn’t last 4 hours like it usually does. This time I let things go; I let it wash over. That’s a big improvement.”
“I wanted to stop blaming myself for everything. And about two weeks ago, somebody was unexpectedly abusive towards me. I know what would have happened before – I would have taken it really seriously and gone into my office and cried. But I just laughed it off! It was a strange moment, because I thought, ‘Oh, I didn’t know I could do that! I didn’t know I could get over things that quickly.’”
“I realised I had lots of overthinking stopping me. So I've done lots of things I wouldn't normally do. I’ve managed to go on holiday, and fly! I went swimming and normally I’d be freaking out, but for the first time in a long time, I enjoyed it. I don't know what it is, but it really clicked to stop the overthinking. Learning to move on and let go but also be more present in the moment.”
“It works well in arguments - bypass the rubbish and move to ‘get over it.’ If I’ve had a dispute with my partner, I just say, ‘Should we forget the dispute part?’ Because in the end it’s not going to change anything. We’re going to make up, because we love each other. Let’s just skip the ‘dispute’ part and move on to the ‘love each other’ part.”
“Before, when I felt anxious, I would think, ‘Why do I feel anxious? I shouldn’t feel anxious! What is my body telling me to change in the situation?’ Whereas now, I see it’s just transient: feelings… thoughts… they come and go. I don’t pay it too much attention, which I find helpful. We are all limitless power, love, wisdom, which we’ve lost sight of, because thought gets in the way.”
“I used to be more of a worrier. I’d think about everything I said in the day, over and over again and play everything back. Whereas now, I’m a lot more relaxed. It’s really hard to explain. I guess I realised that it doesn’t matter. I can stress, but it’s not actually going to resolve anything! The overall results are the same. The only difference is the stressing out bit is going to make me feel like rubbish! ”
“I don’t have the dreaded thoughts I was waking up with. It’s changed. My mind is quieter. I’m more present. I still get thoughts, but I’m relaxed about it now. It’s all calm in there. It’s a bit of a miracle. Thank you Giles!”
“I’ve noticed I don’t keep on thinking about stuff. I’d spend days—or weeks!—being very analytical. But I realised you only ever need to think about it once, and then that’s done. I noticed I take the same action anyway, whether I spend 20 seconds or 40 hours thinking about it!”
“Before the course I found it impossible to stop worrying about everything. Now I have learned that all my stress and worry come from thought – I’m looking at things very differently and don’t stress as much. Once you see how things are, you can’t unsee it. It’s fantastic!”
“There are points in the day, for example driving—when people are cutting me up and that—your voice in my head is saying ‘Everyone is doing what makes sense to them’ so there is no point in me getting upset – they don't care! So I've noticed I'm much calmer driving now, which is one of the biggest things.”
“The problem where I was worried about the future before starting the course? That has subsided. I’m aware I’m not worrying about it as much. It’s still in the back of my mind but I think I’m just more relaxed, thinking about that. I’m less obsessed with figuring out the ‘why’ … just accepting it, rather than dwelling on it all the time.”
“I was on a downward spiral of anxiety and needed to take stock of the negative trajectory I was on. With the help of Giles and the course, things don’t have a handle on me any more; they don’t have to control me and rob me of my wellbeing. I’m calmer, more myself, more productive and more help to others. I have less anxiety and more peace. Thank you.”
“Everyone, somehow, magically, has been much nicer to me!! I suspect obviously it’s not them, it’s me, just being less negative and grumpy. I suspect what’s happening is I’m more cheerful and relaxed and people are responding to that in a more positive, and distinctly more pleasant, way.”