Are you living life,
or just thinking about it?





Having worked in the most challenging of NHS hospital environments — both on the front lines and also behind the scenes; always with an eye on wellbeing and performance — I am uniquely placed to help you continue to give your best, without feeling like the the machine is grinding you down. 

BSc Hons. Psychology

I've had a fascination with what makes us tick, since forever. For my Psychology degree dissertation I looked at the role of expectations in our experience of moods. Seeing the function that the mind plays in our felt sense of wellbeing all started here.

NHS Surgeon

I trained on a busy Professorial Surgical Unit in one of the UK's biggest teaching hospitals, so am no stranger to the challenges faced in high-pressure, high-stakes work environments. Passed surgical membership at first attempt, began specialisation in Orthopaedics & Trauma.

Cycling Challenge

I took a 6 month sabbatical and cycled — solo and unsupported — from Leeds, UK to Istanbul, Türkiye and back, crossing several of Europe's major mountain ranges. Covered a distance of 6,800km with 52,200m ascent, across 12 countries, over 4 months of riding.

Organisational Change

Wishing to make a wider impact on patient care & staff wellbeing, I spent a decade behind the scenes of the NHS, managing a national programme to streamline information management, and working with senior staff to implement clinical information systems.

Career Change Speaker

Having left the NHS for a portfolio career that included features writing & medical advising for the UK's biggest cycling magazine, I started delivering keynote addresses on the process of career change. For 12 years I spoke at the BMJ Careers conference and other major events.

Wellbeing & Performance Coach

During the pandemic I worked closely with Health & Social Care organisations to provide support to more than 200 overwhelmed staff, running a course that was recognised as the most effective way to improve wellbeing & mental health across the whole of the UK.

About me

I used to think that creating the perfect set of circumstances—good job, plenty of money, fulfilling, humane work—was the best bet for a happy life. So I threw myself into a medical career and trained as a surgeon. I mean, what better way?

But achieving that success didn't deliver the happiness I'd expected and I found myself pulled towards other ventures, outside of medicine. I spent years trying to find the ‘right’ thing for me, genuinely believing there was something wrong with me when I couldn’t seem to settle, until in 2018, I stumbled across an understanding of how our minds work, how we experience the world and what we're capable of, that changed everything.

All of a sudden everything made sense. There never was anything wrong with me, and I insightfully saw how happiness really is an ‘inside job’ – a natural, inbuilt state of calm and clarity we can all access, that’s independent of life’s circumstances.

Since then I've had the great fortune to support and guide individuals and groups from all walks of life and from all over the world, sharing this understanding with them and watching them wake up to their true nature, as they reconnect to health and happiness, once and for all.

Are you ready to experience this change for yourself?

GPC at chair mugshot


(click images to listen to podcast episodes)