Wellbeing Wednesdays Episode #17

“The one about… What drives behaviour”

An episode all about behaviour: what holds it in place and how we change unwanted behaviours and habits.

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Here's what went on, in just shy of an hour:

  • What is the price we pay, for living a life of ease and grace? Why does it seem so hard?

  • How we live inside our (invisible) belief systems

  • Free will. Do we have it? Do we not have it?

  • Is a lack of control a good thing or a bad thing?

  • What to do about undesirable personality traits

  • What drives behaviour – what's in the mix?

  • Old paradigm (outside in) vs. new paradigm (inside-out)

  • How the reality we inhabit all comes down to thought

  • Level of consciousness and how they show up in life

  • Personalities are not a thing!

  • Brain abnormalities and wellbeing

  • A brief look at autism

  • The power of seeing what's variable and what's constant (i.e. what you can depend on)

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WBW The one about… what drives behaviour