Wellbeing Wednesdays Episode #2

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WBW #2 - The one about… The mechanics of how we work

Wellbeing Wednesdays Episode #2

This was the first episode where I found myself alone at The Wool Croft, as the 2020 coronavirus lockdown had just begun. But there were loads of people who'd joined on the live stream and we had a steady stream of questions, that were tackled over a nice, relaxed hour:

  • How do I observe thoughts and let them meander, rather than being hit by them, full force?

  • What's the best way to learn how to switch off?

  • What is the single greatest obstacle to us experiencing more of our wellbeing?

  • How do Thought and Consciousness relate to one another?

  • Is laughter a good coping mechanism?

We also discussed:

  • The best way to deal with uncertainty

  • The variability of experience, in contrast to the omnipresence of wellbeing

  • Experiencing our Innate Health, even when we're really unwell & in pain

  • How situations don't “cause” suffering … and what does

  • Attention, awareness and the river of perception that we experience as life

  • The 3 Principles

  • Life not being fair (and how to surrender to that fact)

  • The relationship between thoughts and feelings

  • When to use “head” and when to use “heart”

  • Our brilliant psychological immune system

GBP 15
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After purchase, you'll also receive an email with the video embedded. Enjoy!